Coastal Physiotherapy offers on-site physiotherapy in Maroochydore and throughout the Sunshine Coast. We will visit your workplace at a pre-determined frequency, bringing with us all necessary equipment and supplies to set up an on-site treatment room.
Having a physiotherapist on-site (from a mimimum of 2 hours per week) can be enough to ensure that niggles and aches do not turn into comprehensive injuries, and helps workplaces to improve their culture of safety. An on-site physiotherapist shows employees that their employers are invested in them and their safety and wellbeing, creating a more satisfied group of employees, leading to less staff turnover and increased productivity.
Why consider having an on-site physiotherapist?
Employers are very aware of the direct costs of injury but these often only represent the “tip of the iceburg”. Usually the indirect costs associated with having a staff member off work as the result of a musculo-skeletal injury are vastly greater than the direct costs: lost time, reduced productivity, medical expenses, increased wages for casual staff to cover the injured worker, time spent training new staff, and increased productivity expectations on your remaining staff which can increase their own risk of musculo-skeletal injuries.
How can Coastal Physiotherapy help?
Coastal Physiotherapy employs a team of Physiotherapists who specialise in the treatment and management of work related injuries, and are specialists in vocational rehabilitation.
We can place a physiotherapist in your organisation to treat your workers on-site. Treatment appointments can be offered for durations of 15, 20 or 30 minutes per appointment, and can range in time blocks, from a minimum of 2 hours per week. The physiotherapist will bring all necessary equipment with them, and provide management with updated information relating to all workers on a weekly basis. With awareness of the return to work process, treatment can be tailored to the needs of the business, as well as the rehabilitation needs of the individual.
Benefits of On-Site Physiotherapy
Provides early intervention and a proactive, rather than reactive approach to employee health
Prevents “niggles” developing into extensive and chronic injuries
Improves morale and employee’s job satisfaction
Increases productivity, by maintaining employees at work
Prevents injuries
Reduces lost time injuries
Provides insight into consistent patterns of injuries, and development of guidelines for future prevention of injury